Physics Lab :
Modern Technology apparatus for covering all experiments prescribed by the ISC and ICSE. This laboratory generate and sustain interest in the study of PHYSICS with practical knowledge by motivating our students of class VI to XII to ensure divergent scientific thinking.

Biology Lab :
This lab is equipped with well-equipped instruments, microscopes and it gives relevant information about the unicellular and multi cellular organism by keeping the spicemens of all multicellular organisms.

Chemistry Lab

Library :

Volley Ball Ground Basket Ball Ground

The Activity Room AT DAV is a self contained room in which students engaged in independent and self directed learning activities.The room has an easy access to a variety of learning materials in an interesting and productive manner.
The activity room also serves as a room for therapy, where children are provided with opportunities for teamwork,hands-on learning ,social interaction,real life problem solving and to work on open-ended activities. Thus it is also used as an Incentive room for students to mve one up academically.